Spooky Spectre Candles

spectre 15oz bat attack candle, lit, full wax pool

Bat Attack

BOO! This spooky Bat transforms from bone to blood red and back to bone, bewitching your senses with fragrance notes of cinnamon, pine, and vanilla.

15oz three wick $33.95
8oz two wick $29.95
spectre 15oz passion potion candle, lit, full wax pool

Passion Potion

Bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble! Our Passion Potion magically changes from bone to potion purple and black to bone, filling the room with a heady scent.

15oz three wick $33.95
8oz two wick $29.95
spectre 15oz hunting party candle, lit, full wax pool

Hunting Party

Watch the skies turn black! As this candle takes flight from bone to an eerie black and back to bone, it fills the room with cedar, rosemary, and lavender.

15oz three wick $33.95
8oz two wick $29.95
spectre 15oz zombie zone candle, lit, full wax pool

Zombie Zone

Zombie will reanimate from bone to ghoulish green and back to bone, filling the room with intoxicating notes of balsam + smoky woods + sandalwood.

15oz three wick $33.95
8oz two wick $29.95



Spooky Spectre 15-oz Lit Box

Buy any Spooky Spectre 15-oz. limited-edition candles and get a second one for half off!

Choose from Bat Attack, Passion Potion, Zombie Zone, and Hunting Party. These spooky characters are the inspiration for these Limited Edition artwork candles, all with color-changing magic and fabulously wicked fragrance.

spectre candles, 15oz, lit box


Spooky Spectre 8-oz Lit Box

Buy any two Spooky Spectre 8-oz. limited-edition candles and get a third for free!

Choose from Bat Attack, Passion Potion, Zombie Zone, and Hunting Party. These spooky characters are the inspiration for these Limited Edition artwork candles, all with color-changing magic and fabulously wicked fragrance.

spectre lit box 8oz candles